Decide What to Study and Gather Materials
Tips I use you may find useful (or not - no advice is one-size-fits-all):
- Do internet research (which can include watching YouTube videos!) on topics in the textbook that pique your interest. This makes things more fun.
- Reflecting on how you can apply the knowledge in your life helps your memory through the self-referencing effect.
- If you're having fun studying, see how long you can study for. It's better to do it now than when the last thing you want to do is study--ride the motivation while it's here!
- Battle the shyness! Ask the professor when you have a question!
- If possible, find what is inherently fun in what you have to do instead of rewarding yourself afterwards. Intrinsic motivation (e.g. doing it for itself) makes you more motivated while extrinsic motivation (e.g. doing it for rewards, grades) demotivates. This is why learning something on your own is fun while learning the same thing to get a grade is suddenly not fun.
- Keep textbooks and notes in easy-to-reach, easy-to-see places. This makes starting easier.
- Allow yourself at least an hour from the intention to start studying to actually studying. You need to schedule time to hype yourself up if switching tasks is hard for you.
- If you can't decide what to study make a numbered list then choose the subject using a random number generator. :)